The Best Time To Get An Exterior House Wash? People living in Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan and The Gold Coast, are well aware of the mould and mildew problems. These mould issues can occur inside and outside their homes. South East Queensland has high levels of humidity. Often excessive moisture in the air can result in mould and mildew inside and outside the home. This can cause respiratory problems. People living in South East Queensland should have their homes professionally checked every year for interior air quality to reduce their risk of respiratory problems. The air outside the home has a big impact on the quality of the air inside the home.
Mould and Mildew – A Common Problem in Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan & Gold Coast.
Homes in Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan & the Gold Coast homes are regularly subjected to tropical rain. In Spring Summer & Autumn this increases humidity and moisture from the ground. This increases humidity and will cause mould and mildew around the house. This mould and mildew if left, can result in costly repairs to your house if left untreated.
The best way to fix this issue is an Exterior House Wash.
An Exterior House Wash, Pressure Washing & Soft House Washing Cleans and Uncovers Issues Early
It’s recommended to soft wash the exterior of your house. This includes things like the pool area, yard fence, roof and driveway. Pressure cleaning and soft washing your home keeps mould from building up on surfaces. Unsightly mould will reduce the value of your investment. Cleaning surfaces outside the home reduces the presence of mould spores. Mould spores float in the air and into your home. Removing unsightly mould keeps your home looking nice for you and, well, let’s not forget the neighborhood !
Repainting your Home Prevents Water Damage
Removing unsightly mould from you house roof will improve street appeal and improve the value of your home.
Just as paint protects a car’s body from rusting, painting your home protects surfaces from moisture ingress. This moisture will result in rotting the wood siding leading to an expensive repair bill. A professional painter will seals cracks that you never knew existed.
Cracks are bad because they allow moisture to seep in and behind the walls creating large gaping cracks and holes in your home. You’re probably not out inspecting your home’s surfaces for cracks and mould. Waterworx when soft washing your home will identify issues such as thin paint and cracks in the walls.
As well as identifying paint breakdowns a Waterworx Pressure Cleaning soft house washing service, will remove mould spores and leave your house sparkling clean!
Look for Signs of Mould and Mildew in your Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan or Gold Coast Home
Children and pets are most affected by mould problems because they are closer to the floor than adults. The floor are is where most of the mould and mildew issues stem. Children don’t realise that the musty odour they smell is indicative of a mould or mildew problem that will hurt them if the source of the odour doesn’t get resolved.
Paint Doesn’t Cover Up Your Mould Problem -An Exterior House Wash Fixes The Problem
Interior walls can offer clues to homeowners when there is a mould or mildew problem inside the home. If you look closely at your walls, then you’ll see tiny mould spores growing on your walls or at the skirting boards. A lot of times people want to “freshen up” a room by repainting the walls, because they’re starting to look bad or because it will clear the air. Although painting your walls can bring newness and freshness to your home, it’s important to recognise the reason why you want to freshen up the room.
Removing unsightly mould from your driveway. Waterworx pressure Cleaning will add value to your property by improving street appeal.
In addition to painting your walls, it’s also recommended to clean your carpets regularly in the months when there is low humidity so the carpet can dry fast. Another way to help dry your carpets after cleaning them is by running the central A/C at a low temperature and cycle the air with the fan. The air conditioning system will draw the moisture out of the air and out of the carpet.
An Exterior House Wash can Save you Money and your Family’s Health
Don’t wait until your child is chronically complaining of headaches or shows frequent signs of irritation such as itching, sneezing, and red eyes or says the room smells funny. Pressure cleaning & soft house washing is an inexpensive proactive maintenance you can do to your home. This will reduce the risk of mould issues inside and outside your home. Keeps your home looking beautiful, extends the life of your home’s exterior paint and protects your investment. You should pressure clean your home every year. Why so often? When it comes to the health of your family and saving on expensive repairs, spending a few hundred bucks every year to pressure clean your home and remove mould is worth every penny.
Call us on Ph 0422814168 or fill out the free quotation form below for your Exterior House Wash